Meet the Voices behind
Spooky Stories Podcast



AKA “Spooky”
Your Humerus Story-teller

Serial Killer enthusiast with a penchant for the paranormal, Kihya is our brave researcher and story teller. She maintains a watchful eye on the local internets to bring the listeners Canada's best and spookiest to the earholes of the masses. Take what she says with a grain of salt...and a silver bullet, one of those ghostbuster trap things and at the very least a flashlight.



AKA “Kooky”
Your Ghost Host with the Most

Goof ball, skeptic, billionaire playboy philanthropist, Matt brings the lighter side of things wherever he goes. That doesn’t stop him from reconsidering the haunting truth that there may in fact be ghosts among us. He's OoooooOooooooOoooooOooooodles of fun.